Thursday, January 16, 2020

Diabetes and Implants

As specialists in prosthodontics, we at the Oyster Bay Family Dentists have used implants to help hundreds of people gain new teeth. This technology has made great strides since it became popular about thirty years ago and can now be adapted to people in all sorts of situations. But people with diabetes still experience some particular oral health challenges that require them to take special care of their implants, which is why we wanted to share a recent scientific review with our patients.

People with diabetes suffer from damage to their blood vessels. As a result, it often takes them longer to heal from wounds, and they have a harder time fighting off infections. Although dental implants have very high success rates, dentists were long concerned that the need to create incisions to place them would be a problem for diabetic patients. But the review found that, although it tends to take longer for diabetic patients’ jaw bones to integrate with the implant posts, they nearly always heal successfully when their blood sugar is well-controlled. The mini-implants used with dentures do not require large incisions to place, and are also a good option for people who heal slowly.

An implant will have to be removed if a patient’s gum disease causes it or the bone it integrates with to deteriorate. Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of this when their blood sugar is not controlled, but the study found that when they’re well-cared for, their implants have the same rate as success as non-diabetic people's for the first six years. After that, people with diabetes can significantly extend the life of their implants by maintaining good oral hygiene.

Drs. Denise VeyVoda and Robert G. West operate The Oyster Bay Family Dentists at 123 South Street, Oyster Bay, New York, 11771. To schedule an appointment, call 516-922-5730 or visit Oyster Bay Dentists and fill out a contact sheet.


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