Thursday, June 6, 2019

Periodontal Splinting

Having a loose permanent tooth doesn’t bring the same amount of excitement that it did when you were a kid. As an adult, it’s often a sign of injury, lost gum tissue, misalignment, or orthodontic treatment. Trying to eat or speak becomes uncomfortable. Drs. Robert G. West and Denise VeyVoda of The Oyster Bay Family Dentists offer a solution. Periodontal splinting attaches your weak teeth to strong ones, creating a single, stable unit. Contact our office in Oyster Bay, NY, to learn more.


Schedule an appointment with your Oyster Bay dentist as soon as a loose tooth is noted. Otherwise, it can damage other dental structures. Trauma is the biggest culprit for a loose tooth. Grinding or clenching your teeth is also a probable reason. Some patients even experience a combination of the two. Periodontal disease is also a likely cause.


By splinting your loose teeth, Drs. West or VeyVoda are able to correct your misaligned bite. This relieves the pressure behind the looseness. Temporary and permanent splints are offered. For temporary splints, there are extra-coronal and intra-coronal. The placement defines the kind needed. Extra are bonded to the enamel while intra requires a channel in the teeth. For permanent splints, a splint fuses the crowns of each tooth together.


Drs. Robert G. West and Denise VeyVoda are located in Oyster Bay, NY. To schedule an appointment at The Oyster Bay Family Dentists, visit our website or call 516-922-5730.

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