As permanent teeth push their way into the mouth, they sometimes fail to completely clear the gum line. When this happens, the patient is at risk for pericoronitis, an infection surrounding a crown. This situation is relatively common in teenagers, so we at the Oyster Bay Family Dentists want our patients to be able to recognize when they need help.
The wisdom teeth are the largest molars and the last to erupt. They emerge in late adolescence, when the rest of the teeth are already in place and the jaw bone has solidified. The lower wisdom teeth can easily become impacted, meaning that they are blocked from emerging fully. A flap of gum tissue, known as an operculum, is likely to still be partially covering the impacted tooth. Bacteria can build up in between the operculum and the impacted tooth’s crown, resulting in infection. The longer it lasts, the more painful and swollen it can become.
Professional hygienists can clean an operculum and rinse it with antibiotics. The patient may also try cleaning their mouth with a saltwater rinse. But the problem is likely to persist until the impacted tooth is extracted or the operculum is removed. We recommend regular dental check-ups so that we can determine whether a tooth is likely to be impacted and strategize preventive treatment.
Drs. Denise VeyVoda and Robert G. West operate The Oyster Bay Family Dentists at 123 South Street, Oyster Bay, New York, 11771. To schedule an appointment, call 516-922-5730 or visit Oyster Bay Dentists and fill out a contact sheet.
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