Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Zoom Whitening

Are you afraid to show some teeth in your selfies because you’re self-conscious about discoloration? If so, The Oyster Bay Family Dentists have a solution, with Zoom whitening. Zoom is a bleaching process used to lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin which may be caused by food and beverages and/or smoking. With a whiter smile, you can feel better about yourself while decreasing your risk of developing oral problems.

During your consultation, our doctors will examine your teeth and gums to ensure that they are in good health. If you are able to move forward, you will sit in our dental chair and receive three whitening gel applications for a total treatment time of 45 minutes. Once completed, you will receive instructions on how to practice proper oral care. It’s important to understand that your teeth won’t stay white on your own; you will need to maintain the brightness with daily brushing and flossing. Additionally, you should refrain from smoking, as tobacco products will stain teeth.

If you have questions or concerns about ZOOM whitening, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at The Oyster Bay Family Dentists in Oyster Bay, NY, call 516-922-5730.

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