Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Inlays and Onlays

For teeth that are weakened with decay and cannot hold a filling, but do not need a full crown, there is a need for something in between. Patients in the Oyster Bay, NY area can be reassured, because The Oyster Bay Family Dentists offer inlays and onlays. We want to provide options for our patients so that they can have the best care available for them.
Inlays are onlays are commonly referred to as partial crowns. An inlay is a covering that strengthens and protects the inside of the chewing surface. An onlay serves the inside of the chewing surface, plus one or more of the cusps of the tooth. These are options for when there is a little more damage than what a filling could fix, but not so much that a full crown needs to be placed.
Inlays and onlays can be made of porcelain, a composite resin, or gold. The porcelain and composite resin options are tooth-colored and blend right in with your teeth. It will look natural and allow your tooth to look healthy again. With a normal oral hygiene routine like brushing twice daily and flossing once daily, inlays and onlays can last up to thirty years.
Here at Oyster Bay Family Dentists, out patients are deserving of the best options and treatment for their specific cases. If you are experiencing pain and sensitivity to a tooth, schedule a visit to our Oyster Bay, NY dental practice. To schedule, call us at (516) 922-5730 or visit our website,

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