Drs. Robert West and Denise VeyVoda of The Oyster Bay Family Dentists, located in Oyster Bay, NY, provide quality care for their patients. They treat a variety of conditions, including Xerostomia. This is commonly known as Dry Mouth. As the name suggests, patients suffering from this problem don’t produce enough saliva. They struggle with chewing, speaking, and swallowing. It lowers your quality of life while also putting your oral health at risk. Schedule an appointment with our staff right away if you notice any alarming symptoms.
You may not realize it, but saliva plays an important role in your life. Besides everyday tasks like eating and speaking, it keeps your mouth clean. Saliva is necessary for washing your teeth of food debris. Without properly working salivary glands, you’re at risk for plaque and tooth decay.
The first step at your appointment with your Oyster Bay dentist is to determine the cause of your dry mouth. Treatment depends entirely upon the source. Talk to your dentist about your medical history, along with any medications you are taking. There are over 500 different medications that result in negative dry mouth symptoms. Do your research when starting any drugs. If the pharmaceutical is the trigger, you should talk to your prescribing physician about switching to another type. Certain autoimmune disorders also put you at risk. Another possibility is certain medical treatments. Chemotherapy is infamous for creating dry mouth.
Once the cause of your dry mouth is determined, the treatment can begin. Here are a few general tips for reducing negative symptoms:
-Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar naturally dries out your mouth. That means cutting out or back on tea, soda, alcohol, and coffee.
-Water is necessary for your health, including your dental! Water keeps your mouth moist. Increase your water intake for a wetter mouth.
-Invest in over-the-counter dry mouth treatments. These are sold at your local grocery store or supermarket. They are available in mouthwash, gel, and toothpaste form.
The Oyster Bay Family Dentists, located in Oyster Bay, NY, are available for all your dental needs. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Robert West and Denise VeyVoda, call 516-922-5730 or visit their website.