Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Benefits of Veneers

If you have teeth that are gapped, chipped, broken, or fractured, our doctors at The Oyster Bay Family Dentists would like to tell you about veneers. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front side of teeth. Veneers are an irreversible process, so it’s important to have all of your questions answered before moving forward. Allow us to explain more about this cosmetic procedure.

Veneers are used to recreate the natural look of teeth while also providing strength and resilience that resembles tooth enamel. The process of veneers takes one or two appointments. During your first visit, our doctors will discuss the new shape and look of what we are going to accomplish by placing the veneers. Afterward, an impression of your teeth will be taken and sent to our laboratory where the veneers will be created. During your second visit, your veneers will be placed and you will be able to show off your new smile.

If you have questions or concerns about veneers, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at the practice, visit www.oysterbaydentists.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at The Oyster Bay Family Dentists in Oyster Bay, NY, call 516-922-5730.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Everyone has a set of wisdom teeth, but this set of ‘final molars’ often stays impacted.  Some patients experience these teeth beginning to erupt, usually between the ages of 17 and 24.  Even when that happens, there is not enough space in the mouth for these wisdom teeth to grow, which is why the Oyster Bay Family Dentists typically recommend extraction. 

Keeping wisdom teeth too long can cause oral discomfort and headaches, as well as damage the surrounding teeth and put a patient at risk for infection. If you experience swollen or tender gums around the wisdom teeth, jaw pain, or facial swelling, give us a call. We can determine if you need your wisdom teeth removed, and discuss sedation options and procedure with you.  The procedure will include stitches and some down time, but following instructions, a patient’s recovery shouldn’t take more than a week.

To learn more about wisdom teeth extraction and all the services provided at the practice, visit www.oysterbaydentists.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at The Oyster Bay Family Dentists in Oyster Bay, NY, call 516-922-5730.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Crown Lengthening

The Oyster Bay Family Dentists want every patient to experience their best smile.  Even when patients take great care of their teeth, they may think their gums keep them from their perfect smile.  It is normal for some people to have more gum tissue than others and when it results in a gummy smile, we can correct it by a procedure called crown lengthening.  

Crown lengthening is the term for removing excess gum tissue from the surface of the teeth and sculpting the gum line.  Dentists often do this in order to expose more of a tooth and affix a restoration like a crown. We also offer crown lengthening for cosmetics so that any patient can have their perfect smile.  Local anesthetic is used while your dentist removes excess gum tissue with either a scalpel or laser tools.  The procedure only comes with minor discomfort afterwards, and result is a pleasing ratio of teeth to gums that creates an even smile.  Contact us if you think your smile would benefit from crown lengthening!

To learn more about crown lengthening and all the services we provide, visit www.oysterbaydentists.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at The Oyster Bay Family Dentists in Oyster Bay, NY, call 516-922-5730.