Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Instructions after Tooth Extractions

We don’t remove teeth without a good reason, but extractions are a routine procedure that can usually be completed without a problem. To ensure that patients understand the importance of following instructions, we at the Oyster Bay Family Dentists wanted to explain a little bit about why we take certain precautions.

Our main concern after removing a tooth is that the socket does not dry out. After a tooth is removed, healthy blood will form a clot that seals off the socket and the exposed jaw bone. But if the clot does not form or does not stay in place, not only will the socket become painfully dry, it will also become a way for bacteria and other harmful substances to enter the body. In the worse cases, tissue of the jaw bone could become necrotized.

Patients are advised to avoid sucking on straws or eating sticky foods after getting an extraction, because these could dislodge the clot. Smoking could also prevent a clot’s formation or create a suction that would dislodge it. Some medications also interfere with clotting, which is why patients should make sure to disclose all of them to us. A dry socket is a greater risk when removing the lower wisdom teeth, so those patients especially should be on guard against the bad taste and smell that could indicate a problem. If a dry socket does develop, we’ll be able to treat it with a pain-relieving, antibacterial dressing.

Drs. Denise VeyVoda and Robert G. West operate The Oyster Bay Family Dentists at 123 South Street, Oyster Bay, New York, 11771. To schedule an appointment, call 516-922-5730 or visit Oyster Bay Dentists and fill out a contact sheet.


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